
Amitis Motevalli

Page history last edited by Jeff Ecc 16 years, 5 months ago

MAKING THE HISTORICAL CONNECTION:  From Amitis Motevalli To Karen Salazar

Amitis Motevalli was fired from Locke High School in 2001.  That is to say that, like Karen Salazar, she was a non-tenured teacher whose contract was not renewed.  There are some striking similarities in these cases at South L.A. schools involving two women of color who are exemplary educators. Another parallel is that just as Karen Salazar was supportive of the Watts Student Union, Amitis was supportive of the Locke Student Union. 

     Motevallis' case set a legal precedent in California going all the way to the California Supreme Court which decided in favor of a lower court ruling against Motevalli, essentially saying that non-tenured teachers can be fired at will by the school district. 

     UTLA's failure to successfully defend Motevalli helps explain why current UTLA leadership have been, at best, lukewarm about Karen Salazar's case.

     Here is a link to the published decision: http://www.strumwooch.com/122ca4_97.htm  Below is an article published in the the April 30, 2004 United Teacher (a UTLA publication).  source: http://www.utla.net/utla/unitedteacher/UTLA4-30.pdf 

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