
Celerity Charter School Fires Teachers Over Emmett Till Poem

Page history last edited by Jeff Ecc 16 years, 8 months ago

Does Karen Salazar's story sound familiar?


Remember the teachers fired for wanting students at Celerity Nascent (Vielka McFarlane's LAUSD Charter School) to learn about Emmett Till during Black History Month in 2007?  Celerity Charter officials accused Emmet Till of sexual harrassment!

Here's the story of Marisol Alba & Sean Strauss:


The image “http://www.mssu.edu/accents/newimages/MarilynNelson2.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Photo: MSSU.edu

World renowned poet and Connecticut Poet Laureate Marilyn Nelson (photo above) wrote the following letter to Celerity Nascent Principal Canada and Founder Ms. McFarlane, according to Andy Thibault's article "Firing Teachers who Encourage Students to Think":  


March 20, 2007

Dear Ms. McFarlane and Ms. Canada:

It has come to my attention that controversy apparently related to my book, A Wreath for Emmett Till, has led to the firing of two of your teachers. I feel compelled to defend Marisol Alba and Sean Strauss, who were fired because they had signed one of several letters written by students to protest the summary cancellation of the seventh grade’s contribution to the Black History Month program at Celerity Nascent Charter School.


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