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PRESS RELEASE - Sept 2, 2008

Page history last edited by Jeff Ecc 16 years, 1 month ago



F O R  I MM E D I A T E  R E L E A S E

Press Conference and Rally at Board Meeting:


Parents, Students and Teachers Demand the Reinstatement of “Afro-Centric” Teacher


Jordan High School teacher Karen Salazar was terminated this past Spring for being too “Afro-Centric” in her teaching.

Students and parents along with the Association of Raza Educators (A.R.E), have led a campaign to have Salazar reinstated. District Deputy Superintendent  Cortines overturned Principal Strachan's decision to terminate her contract with LAUSD, but reiterated that she could not return to Jordan.  Under state law, principals do not have to provide justification for the termination of  non-tenured teachers  contracts.  The real question remains, if LAUSD found that Jordan Principal was wrong, why was Salazar fired?  


Teachers and parents are scheduled to speak at LAUSD’s Board Meeting and will hold a  Press Conference immediately after.

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008 4:30 P.M.


1) The central objective/demand will be: To demand Karen Salazar be immediately reinstated at Jordan High School.


2) To publicly demand that LASUD hold Jordan High School Principal Steven Strachan accountable for the firing of Ms. Salazar and illegally changing her stull evaluation.


 Teachers, Students, and Parents will be available for Interviews in Spanish and English

For more info visit: http://savesalazar.pbwiki.com



Jose Lara, Association of Raza Educators

 714.864.0543       josexlara@yahoo.com


What:       Press Conference/Rally, Parents and Students of Jordan High to meet with LAUSD officials about ABUSES and ethics violations at Jordan High School 


Where:      LAUSD Board of Education

333. S. Beaudry Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90017


When:     Tuesday, September 2nd 2008, 4:30pm

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